Entries to participate in Hardway's summer of 'free' events for young people are rapidly filling up and you are encouraged to make a booking as soon as possible to secure your place.
This week the spotlight is on Watersports Taster sessions
These are being run by Oarsome Chance from 11:00 - 16:00 at Hardway Memorial Green, on the following dates (booking subject to availability):
Monday 20th July - Friday 24th July
Monday 3rd August - Friday 7th August
The booking link is now live on the Oarsome Chance website page: www.oarsomechance.org/summer-taster
Registration will be required on the day, even if you've pre-booked your session.
Other Events:
Offshore fishing trips - limited spaces available, filling up quickly please EMAIL Treasurer@friendsofhardway.com to reserve a space.
Crabbing competition registration is now closed as spaces are fully booked